the cake I made chocolate cake with coffer buttercream for the outside and the inside layer with regular buttercream for the lines on the outside of the cake for the border and for the detailers. I used sprinkles bulls for the white dots on a treser caste. I lift brown bits of the chocolate cake for more relistck detill on the cake.

the first thing that want well was the coffer buttercream that I used for the outside of the cake it had a butoeful color and it fit will with what the outside of treser caste should look like. the sckend thing that want well was the design of the cake it looks like a real treser caste with the black lines on the borders of the cake to make it look like the medel on the treser caste and I lift some of the chocolate cake to make it look like the dalk wood on the treser caste. the threed thing that want well is the tast of the cake the flavors of chocolate cake and coffer buttercream mixed really well togager. the first thing I would improve on would be trying to make the buttercream on the cake be more somore so it wound look a lot nicer instand of being all bumbe. the sckend thing I would improve on would be making better buttercream some of it was way to thik. the thered thing I want to improve on would be making a better and esery plan to fwoloey and a backup plan incase the first plan did not work. the first thing that I learned is that i need to make a better plan when I make a plan to make something look like something else. the sckend thing I learned is how to to use buttercream to fix mastangs that I made in the cake and that I can use buttercream to make the cake look a loy better.
