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Freezer Cookies


In process photo of freezer cookie’s
In process photo of freezer cookie’s

my initial plan was to make a pink angel in the middle with strawberry flavoring and a white cookie dough with coconut flavoring. the first thing that want well was that it tasted really good and it smalt good. the scedend thing that want well was that the design of the angel in the middle of the cookie looked like a real angel. the thread thing that want well is that the cookie were soft and a bit cocery at the same time so they were very esey to eat. the first thing that dent go to plan was that the coconut was very over powered compared to the strawberry flavoring. the scedend thing that didn't go to plan was the outside layer of the cookie was not as round and smooth as I wanted it. the thread thing that did not go to plan was that some of the cookie came out of the oven with holes in them or they had not been as flat as I wanted them.



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